<SCRIPT language=javaScript> <!-- This Script Created by Randy Bennett: http://home.thezone.net/~rbennett/utility/javahead.htm --> <!-- For this and 100s of other Free Javascripts, check out: --> <!-- Free-Javascripts.com @ http://www.free-javascripts.com/ -->
function setVariables(){ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { horz=".left"; vert=".top"; docStyle="document."; styleDoc=""; innerW="window.innerWidth"; innerH="window.innerHeight"; offsetX="window.pageXOffset"; offsetY="window.pageYOffset"; objectXY="layers[0]";
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function checkLocation(){
imgwidth=79; // logo width, in pixels imgheight=70; // logo height, in pixels
var availableX=eval(innerW) var availableY=eval(innerH)
var currentX=eval(offsetX) var currentY=eval(offsetY)
xmax=availableX-(imgwidth+20)+currentX ymax=availableY-(imgheight+20)+currentY }
var x=-100; var y=50; var a=5; var b=5;
function startMoveR(){ checkLocation(); x += a; y += b; if (y>ymax) b=b*-1 if (y<10) b=b*-1 evalMove(); if (x<xmax+20) setTimeout("startMoveR()",100); else setTimeout("startMoveL()",100); }
function startMoveL(){ checkLocation() x -= a; y += b; if (y>ymax-15) b=b*-1 if (y<10) b=b*-1 evalMove(); if (x>0) setTimeout("startMoveL()",100); else setTimeout("startMoveR()",100); }
//****************************** function evalMove(){ eval(docStyle + objectXY + styleDoc + horz + "=" + x); eval(docStyle + objectXY + styleDoc + vert + "=" + y); //setTimeout("checkLocation()",10) //****************************** } </SCRIPT>
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